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Welcome to Vibrant Body, Vibrant You

A 1:1 personalized coaching container designed to transform everything that's sabotaged, limited, or drained you that you've learned about your body, food, body confidence, and health so you become the most energized, vibrant, healthiest, powerful, & happiest version of you can create a life you love.
This is about throwing out the rules that you could never stick to (or wanted to do) and stepping into the reality that you've always desired with your body & your life.
One where all things your body becomes one of the easiest parts of your reality & then begins to contribute to everything else becoming greater.
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What's to expect inside of your personalized 1:1 container


Completely change your relationship with food so eating is a JOY & EASE for you

You don't have to suffer with meal time anxiety, feel guilty when you "eat something you shouldn't," or feel like you have to follow a rigid diet to have the body, vitality, & health you desire. BECAUSE YOU DON'T.

I cracked the code on this myself 14 years ago and will be showing you how to do this yourself so you never struggle with this again...even at the holidays or during times of stressful events. 


Finally have a body you LOVE and that feels good to be in

Can you imagine everything that would change for you if everything body related was actually easy for you? What it would be like to like what you see in the mirror AND love how you feel...every day?

I have a multi-dimensional approach that will open you to the vibrancy, energy, confidence, and health that's always been there for you in your body.


You've tried the diets, strict workouts, and know they don't work for you but DON'T want to resign to where you're at with your body.


I've been there. 15 years ago I would've done ANYTHING to love my body, feel good in it, and not go into an anxious mess when I ate. What I didn't know is the answer was NOT in finding the perfect diet or workout that I wasted years of my energy on.

What I teach you with your body isn't found anywhere else on the planet, in a book, or in the next fad thing that's promising.

What you're looking for is unique to you and I help you unlock & LIVE this.

So if you're ready to throw away the rules, discover what will create your body, health, and body confidence in a way that's sustained, works in all real-life situations, and most importantly one that you feel proud of...

We will open this for you inside of this space.

And you'll continue living in it after the container ends.


Discovering how your body helps you to create & manifest your life


This is where the real fun begins. Changing your relationship to food, exercise, and body confidence is only step one. Your body is here to help you create and manifest beyond your wildest dreams and you'll come to know the ways your body uniquely communicates with you so you're empowered, unstoppable, and living greater than you ever have. 

I am the anti-diet coach. 


I am here to help you heal, transform, and elevate your entire relationship with food & your body so you finally discover what works for you.

All while falling in love with your body & your life in a way you never have.

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I've done every diet under the sun 😩.

Fruitarianism, Raw food, Veganism, Vegetarianism, Lacto-ovo, Carnivore, Paleo, Fitness Competition prep...if it exists, I've probably done it. 

What most don't know is about 15-20 years ago I was in the height of my food binging, binge drinking, body hatred, and would breakdown on a weekly basis...only to repeat it all again. 

I was suffering deeply to say the least.

I vowed to end the insanity with my body and what happened over the next 5 years began unlocking so much peace, health, and vitality that I've told people for years that "my body is one of the easiest areas of my life."  Those of you who personally know me, know how deeply true this is. 

What I began realizing is "healthy" or not, "fit" or not, "right diet" or not, most people are at war with themselves and their bodies and they think they have to settle for this. 


My mutli-dimensional approach takes your background, body, mind, and spirit into account along with your "goals" & will set you on a path that you can't find in any one size fits all formula, book, or "expert."

I've been waiting for the right time to bring this to the planet, and it is.

If you've been dreaming of a being free from your own food insanity & triggers, the cycle of any diet, or quite frankly the resignation of giving up and pretending to not care, you're on the cusp of freedom. 

Every person has their own unique food, movement, and health blueprint of ease that once we begin to unlock for you not only changes this area of your life...but it'll ripple out to affect all areas of your life greater.  

Get ready to meet the version of you that's healthy, vibrant, energetic, loving the body they're in, and having ease and the time of their life in a way you never have before.


This is not another diet or program you'll ditch in 6 months because it doesn't work. 

This is an invitation into a new reality where you love your body, where you honor your body, where you have ease with food, where you feel free at mealtimes, holidays, and family events, and begin to step into brand new possibilities with it all.

Where body, mind, and spirit are cleansed of the old outdated stuck paradigms that don't work for you and you begin to live and flourish from what actually WORKS for you and your body and the rest of your life.

Where you love what you see looking back at you in the mirror. Where you're FREE from judgment and that harsh inner critic about your body that's always haunted you. 

Where you're having more and more energy, vitality, and health that once wasn't available to you. 

Where new healthy habits are easy and fun for you to have.

Where your body is your friend in helping you to create & manifest so much more than you've imagined. 


Here's some of what will be covered inside this personalized container...

  • Getting to the heart of it all: Healing old familial/ancestral patterns, rituals, and learned behaviors with food that have kept you stuck, suffering, and in limitation and unlocking your new patterns of flourishing with food, vitality, and your body to begin to create food & body freedom you've never had before.

  • Learn a new way of eating that will take you beyond any calorie or macro counting, all while unlocking your body's energy, confidence, and ease at meal time. Ditch the crazy insanity that comes with the "rules" and begin to discover how to thrive in your "no-rule" zone with your body & food that will transform you & your body on every level.

  • Discover how your body desires to move so you never have to force yourself into another boring or tedious workout again. Unlock movement being fun, easy, enjoyable, and repeatable for you no matter what your mood as you watch your vitality skyrocket.

  • Transform addictive, unconscious, sabotaging patterns with food & your body and actually HEAL them so you're no longer fighting yourself or "white-knuckling" willpower in hopes of change. You CAN have your mind on the side of your body and I'll teach you how so you never have to battle yourself again and thriving becomes yours.

Does this seem too good to be true?


It's not. I've been living this way for the last 14 years of my life. And it only gets easier & more fun.

And I'll show you how you can too once you come inside. 


Here are your two options to get started with me... 


 ❤️ 6 months of 1:1 personalized online coaching, what you get:  

✨Body reprogramming sessions to change the consciousness of your body & open new possibilities. This will begin to heal the trauma and underlying energies that are stored in your body that are the underlying cause to your body woes & sabotage you from having the body, vitality, and habits that you've desired to live effortlessly. 

✨ Belief detox sessions where limiting beliefs about all things body, food, & health are removed & replaced with new ones that support the new space you desire to have with your body & food.

✨ Twice a month 45-60 minute coaching sessions (over zoom) to make sure you're having the most ease-filled transformation that you can!

✨ 24/7 voxer coaching support for in between sessions. Let's be honest, when you have an old pattern coming up you need help now. And this "hotline" to me is completely invaluable for real-time coaching, mindset shifting, & energetic support. This is designed to be used anytime you need it.

*All sessions over zoom. You'll have a session once/week for the duration of the container.

 A la carte would be over $17,000 in value. Only $5000 PAY HERE. 

Prefer a payment plan? 6 months/$833.33 per month and payments must be completed in full. PAY HERE.

❤️ 12 months of 1:1 personalized online coaching, what you get:  

✨Body reprogramming sessions to change the consciousness of your body & open new possibilities. This will begin to heal the trauma and underlying energies that are stored in your body that are the underlying cause to your body woes & sabotage you from having the body, vitality, and habits that you've desired to live effortlessly.  

✨ Belief detox sessions where limiting beliefs about all things body, food, & health are removed & replaced with new ones that support the new space you desire to have with your body & food.

✨ Twice a month 45-60 minute coaching sessions to make sure you're having the most ease-filled transformation that you can!

✨ 24/7 voxer coaching support for in between sessions. Let's be honest, when you have an old pattern coming up you need help now. And this "hotline" to me is completely invaluable for real-time coaching, mindset shifting, & energetic support. This is designed to be used anytime you need it.

AND that's not all...

✨ The secrets of eating on the run, at restaurants, events, or holidays where what you would normally eat is NOT available to you. No this isn't about bringing your own food, but about learning what to choose that will keep you on track for your energy & vitality you desire with your body!

*All sessions over zoom. You'll have a session once/week for the duration of the container.

A la carte would be over $35000 in value. Only $9000 PAY HERE.

Prefer a payment plan? 12 months/$750 per month and payments must be completed in full. PAY HERE.

Have a question? Please contact me: [email protected]


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This is not health, medical, or doctor advice. There are no refunds under any circumstances. Upon purchase, you agree to both of these.